1HD.BIZ is suited to all consumers around the world.
Whenever you see the airplane logo (✈), it indicates that the product is available for world-wide shipping.
1HD.BIZ is intentionally designed with dark colors, which are easy on the eyes.
1HD.BIZ is also suited for mobile devices.
For the best experience, I recommend using a computer, as you'll get to see the right side strip, which offers a search field, a "recommended buy now" deal and popular posts.
Product photos are usually large, and have a clear background, so they would blend nicely into the website's background.
The links take you directly to the product's page. If you decide to purchase it, I get a small commission.
I only post products when there's a good reason for it: Either the product is at a very attractive price-point, or simply because it's a cool product worth mentioning even if not at the very lowest price-point at the time of posting.
Regarding used/refurbished items: I only list previously-owned items which are in like-new condition, or which have been manufacturer-refurbished and are still under warranty.
I don't copy content from others. My product info is original.
I uphold the website's integrity to a high standard.
I try my best to present products which are actually worth buying.
I try to avoid sub-standard low quality products, or products containing components which are not up to par with a minimum level of performance that I'm willing to tolerate.
Prices change all the time, so if there's a product you're interested in buying, please do so as soon as you see the product posted on 1HD.BIZ. One day too late - and the price goes up.
If the price drops, I update the post and move it back to top as the most recent post.
1HD.BIZ is maintained by Eric Z.
For any inquiries, please contact me: ericgl21 (at) gmail.com.
Cheers :-)