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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

NEWS: HDMI 2.1 Spec Released Today (Nov 28th, 2017)

The new HDMI 2.1 spec brings bandwidth up to 48Gbps. That's more than Thunderbolt3, by the way.

This will allow several new features, such as 4Kp120 and 8Kp60.
It also adds support for dynamic metadata HDR (like Dolby Vision HDR and HDR10+).
Here's a nice table showing the feature differences between the various versions of HDMI.
Expect new devices to support the 2.1 spec sometime in Q4 2018.

List of supported Formats:

There are lots more interesting features, so here's the official press release from the HDMI Forum.  You can also read all about it on AVSForum here.