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Friday, March 29, 2019

2019 AliExpress 9th Anniversary Sale Coupon Links & Promo Codes [UPDATED]

Here you go, guys - everything I've found so far. Enjoy the sale!!

  • $2 OFF - AliExpress Select coupons (ONLY Select items)
  • $2 OFF $12+ use promo code "AliExpress2OFF" or "EPNcashBack". EXPIRED!
  • $3 OFF $15+ Discount
  • $3 OFF $20+ Discount
  • $3 OFF $30+ use promo code "SAVE3". Can be used with Select coupons, but not with AliExpress coupons.
  • $5 OFF $25+ Discount $5 OFF $25+ Discount
  • $5 OFF $30+ use promo code "KRAKOW" (for Poland ONLY). Can be used with Select coupons, but not with AliExpress coupons.
  • $5 OFF $35+ use promo code "BIRTHDAY328". Can be used with Select coupons, but not with AliExpress coupons.
  • $5 OFF $35+ use promo code "ITAXI328". EXPIRED!
  • $5 OFF $35+ use promo code "PAYU328". EXPIRED!
  • $5 OFF $35+ use promo code "SECRET328". EXPIRED!
  • $5 OFF $35+ use promo code "Samsung328" (ONLY Samsung items). Can be used with Select coupons, but not with AliExpress coupons.
  • $5 OFF $50+ use promo code "SAVE5". Can be used with Select coupons, but not with AliExpress coupons.
  • $6 OFF $30+ Discount EXPIRED!
  • $8 OFF $50+ Discount EXPIRED!
  • $9 OFF $65+  use promo code "ALIVERSARY19" or "SKIDKARU" or "LetyShops328" or "ALIEPN". Can be used with Select coupons, but not with AliExpress coupons.
  • $10 OFF $100+ use promo code "LUCKY9". Can be used with Select coupons, but not with AliExpress coupons.
  • $10 OFF $30+ (ONLY Select clothing items)
  • $30 OFF $300+ Discount
  • If you're a VIP Platinum member with a record of many past purchases, click here to collect your surprise rewards.
  • Various Seller Discounts: AliExpress Coupon Center. Scroll down all the way to load all the Seller discounts, and do a search for items for Platinum and Silver members. Click the Get now button to add your favorite Sellers' coupons to your account.
** BONUS **
$5 OFF $45+ use promo code "AliExpress19182". Valid even after the sale!!